Monday, June 25, 2007

Strep Throat

I have strep throat. And I can tell you now that it's not any fun. :) It's messed up alot of my plans for this week; and I feel tired ALL the time. And hungry, but I don't feel like eating, as that makes the throat feel worse.......Yes, I am afraid I've turned into an invalid. :) Hopefully I'm not too bad to my family around me. John has it too, so we've been trying to entertain each other. But there isn't too much to do, besides watch TV, play on the gamecube, and read; and that gets pretty old pretty fast. :) But trying to do any work tires us out so much. Hopefully it's not going to last to long. Even writing this little bit has tired me out, so I'm going to go lie down again. At least this way, I should be able to catch up on my sleep. :)

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