Monday, December 3, 2007

December 3, 2007

Let's see...what did I do last week?
Monday I had a practice for the Messiah, and Tuesday evening was the performance. It was a lot of fun, and I hope I can do it again next year. :)
Wednesday, my sisters and I volunteered at a Special Olympics event held on campus. It was such a blessing to work with those people. They were all so cheerful, and sweet.
Thursday was my last 'cello lesson till the end of the Christmas break; so I'll resume sometime in January.

I read something very neat in My Utmost For His Highest yesterday: "I am called to live in perfect relation to God so that my life produces a longing after God in other lives, not admiration for myself." And I wholeheartedly agree with Oswald Chambers there. I pray the Lord will help me to live so; for, as a sinful, selfish girl, I like others to think well of me, and in my own strength, I cannot do it. "Thoughts about myself hinder my usefulness to God." May we all strive to live like this; with our hearts and minds fixed solely on Christ Jesus, our Lord. "God is getting me to the place where He can use me. Let Him do what He likes."

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