Tuesday, September 18, 2007


I made my Spanish dishes again tonight. But I did cut down on the chili powder. :)

Today was my third cello lesson. I'm going to order one of my own tomorrow, as I've been using my teacher's instrument up until now. Let me tell you; playing an instrument as complicated as the cello is no walk in the park. At least for me it ain't. :)

I spent the thirty minutes waiting for my lesson reading English Literature Of The Late Seventeenth Century. I'm just on the background of the age right now. It's fairly boring...but something I must persevere through....

We have bible study tomorrow, so that means that in the morning I'll be doing my 'major' cleaning...Wednesday is one of the few mornings I have at home...and I find it hard to work like that in the afternoon, I'm usually too tired.

Well...I don't have anything constructive to say, so I'll just call it a post... :)

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